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Static or prerendered pages

Static or prerendered pages (that are defined with export const prerender = true or default for hybrid) will need a rewrite rule.

For example, if you have a static /about page, create a rewrite of:

/about/ /about/index.html 200 (Rewrite)

If you don’t use trailing slashes, you will need to also add:

/about /about/index.html 200 (Rewrite)

For static dynamic routes, like a route of /blog/[slug].astro, create a rewrite of:

/blog/<slug>/ /blog/<slug>/index.html 200 (Rewrite)

Base path rewrites

/base/about/ /base/about/index.html 200 (Rewrite)

404 Pages

Custom 404 pages (like 404.astro) need to be server-side rendered (not prerendered) to work. This is a limitation with Amplify.

Static files without extensions

Due to limitations with Amplify routing, to serve public files without extensions, place them in a folder called assets (/public/assets/) and reference them with /assets/filename:


Any other static files with extensions will work as usual.